Salesmen talk

Two salesmen are in a bar. One says to the other, "I bet you I can relate to anyone in this bar, I’m such a good salesman." The other replies, "You think so, huh? Well, sure. But I pick the guys." "Ok," says the first, "you’re on."

The other grabs the guy sitting at the table next to them and tells the first salesman, "Here, this one." This first subject is dressed in a threepiece suit and is carrying Wall Street Week. The salesman asks him, "What’s your IQ?" "190."

So they chat for a while about the stock market, particle physics, and NonEuclidean geometry. "Ok," says the other salesman, "That was pretty good, but you still have two to go." He looks around and grabs a guy dressed in jeans, a teeshirt, and a aseball cap worn backwards.

The salesman asks him "What’s you’re IQ?" "About 100." So THEY chat for a while about baseball, cars, and the various women in the bar. "Fine," says the other salesman, "But there’s still one to go."

He goes to the back of the bar and grabs a really scummy looking guy in a muscle shirt and shorts. The salesman asks him "What’s your IQ?" "About 60." "What kind of sticks do you use?"

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