Girls Wish Guys

• Asking a girl on Friday for a date on Saturday is completely unacceptable. Keyword: Planning.

• Shave every day. One day’s growth of facial hair is worse than a girl not shaving her legs for a week.

• We may be emotional beings, but do not lie to squirm your way out of trouble. We are not as gullible as you think.

• Learn to clean up the toilet. If peeing standing up is so difficult and you are bound to miss, then may we suggest that you learn to use a toilet brush and sponge to clean up after yourself.

• We really don’t find it attractive when you stand there scratching yourself in the morning, afternoon or night – please do it in private.

• Don’t do it, if you’re not going to follow-thru. A woman would rather not have sex at all, than to have it and miss the climax by a mile because you weren’t up for the challenge.

• Don’t fix it if it’s really not broke. You don’t need to take everything apart out of curiosity.

• Ask for directions.

• If you said you are going to be somewhere at a certain time, then do it. Don’t expect us to wait around.

• Professional Wrestling and Soap Opera’s are the same story lines, just different costumes. So don’t make fun of us for being hooked on Y&R when you are hooked on WWF.

• "I don’t feel like talking right now" is an acceptable thing to say – Unacceptable thing to do is sit there and pretend you’re listening and just say "Uh huh" and "Yes Dear"- it’s condescending.

• Get rid of your holey underwear.

• If you can ogle so can we!

• One remote is ENOUGH… no need to have a control tower in your living room.

• Couch Potato is not a sport, so don’t try to be an All-star at it!

• Your way is not always the right way. Learn to say, "I was wrong."

• If we can’t talk to you during a football game, then don’t try to get our attention during Oprah.

• If you say you are going to do something, then just do it. Don’t sit around thinking of creative excuses why you couldn’t get to it.

• We are not your mothers, so don’t expect us to clean up after you like one.

• Taco Bell is not considered a romantic dinner for two.

• We have other friends of the male gender, so leave your jealousy at the door!

• If you concede to let us decorate the house without any input from you, then don’t complain when everything is in frilly flowers, and pink motif.

• When wearing a dress shirt, wear an undershirt underneath. Nothing worse than seeing a man’s hairy chest through his shirt.

• Hey, we CAN be friends with our ex’s, so deal with it!

• We understand that you have to put on a manly act in front of your friends, but in the privacy of your own home, it’s okay if you just want to cuddle.

General Jokes