Funny Practical Jokes

Another door-related practical joke, good in dorm-life scenarios:

Locate undesirable LP record w/ jacket. I recommend "Mystic Moods".
Fetch cardboard jacket– should be in good condition, no split sides or the such. (Save disc for frisbee– they shatter in fine fashion when hurled in a room. But I digress.)
Fetch can of shaving cream, e.g. Gillette Foamy or the like. Fill album cover with shaving cream.

With accomplice, go to room of victim. Their door should be closed.
Fit open edge of cream-filled album cover under bottom of door.
Accomplice braces album cover.

Jump on album cover, ejecting shaving cream into dorm room. Run like hell.

Note that if the intended victim’s door fits the frame very tightly, leaving little or no room for the escape of the shaving cream, step number 7 will instead result in a shaving cream explosion in the faces of the would-be jokers. This suggests an obvious alternate "patsy" scenario…

This was funny when tried. Of course, most things are funny at 4 AM.

General Jokes