Blonde Brunette and Redhead

A brunette, a blonde, and a redhead are all pregnant.

They all go to the doctor to have see what the sex of their baby’s are going to be.

The brunette goes into the doctor’s office and comes out a few minutes later,

she says, "I’m having a girl.".

The redhead, confused, asks, "How do you know?".

And the brunette says, "I was on bottom."

The redhead goes in and comes out a few minutes later and says,"I’m having a boy."

The brunette asks, "Well, how do you know?"

and the redhead says, "I was on top."

All of a sudden, the blonde starts crying hysterically and the brunette and redhead ask her what’s wrong,

the blonde looks up with tears in her eyes and screams, "I’m having Puppies!"

Blonde Jokes